José Miguel Pascual Álvarez

Coordinator of studies and Teacher

José Miguel Pascual Álvarez has been a Spanish teacher of the Academy since 2007 and he also performs administrative and marketing functions. 

He graduated in teaching in the field of Physical Education and Sports from the University of Málaga. He also has specific training on teaching ELE (Spanish as a Foreign Language) as DELE examiner. 

He has a wide experience teaching Spanish with different groups and levels. 

Among his publications are “Manual de Español para Extranjeros, nivel A1-A2” and “Manual de Español para Extranjeros, nivel A2-B1”. 

His communicative skills, sense of humour, enthusiasm and positive energy create a friendly environment. You will enjoy learning Spanish in a dynamic and interesting way. 

He is totally passionate about teaching his language as well as all aspects of the Spanish culture. His knowledge about history, sport and culture make the lessons entertaining and interesting. 

I love making the lessons fun

